Showing 8 Result(s)

I Just Want To Be A Dad!

This can be one of the most distressing cries of men. That desire to become a dad, to hold a small bundle of life in your cradling arms. To hear those coos and to tend to those tears and cries. Why do I say ‘distressing cries’, well, sadly for some, miscarriage can end within the …

Stealin’ Time

It’s been a relaxing afternoon here in Laidlaw Towers. I have been listening to music and sifting through some of my Dartmoor photos.One of the songs was ‘Stealin’ Time’ by Gerry Rafferty! The lyric I’ll share meant a lot to me. Here are the lyrics… Stealin’ time, I’ve been stealin’ timeBut I don’t feel guilty, …

Is It Time to Reconnect?

Ok so this shot was taken just before I met a client for a walking/talking session. The elements weren’t too kind to us to be fair.On reflection, the walk was great and the discussion enriching. Earlier in the week I’d taken a session in the bright warm sunshine, by a river in an idyllic setting! Whereas …

Light At The End…

Yes, been out walking with the dog again, and I came across this tunnel! It got me thinking about the dark times we may experience in our lives, particularly when we become bereaved! Do you ever feel that you are walking through a dark tunnel? That could be depression after experiencing the loss of a …

Hiding The Truth

A sad fact in modern day society is that we can all hide behind a mask of happiness. We can function easily on a day to day basis yet we can also hide our deepest depression with a smile and the usual comments ‘ I’m fine’ or ‘I’m doing good thanks’. Rather than being truthful …

Revisiting Grief

I have just started to read this superb book by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross entitled ‘On Grief and Grieving’ which she wrote alongside co-author David Kessler. On opening the pages and revisiting some of the areas of grief that I had encountered on many occasions, I found myself welling up with tears of those losses. Each persons …


I was walking down by the Walkham River and Grenofen woods area today.. saw this interesting tree. It got me thinking that we all come to that point in our lives where the years take their toll on us. Eventually we breathe our final breath. (Apologies if this is effecting you right now) For those …

Walking/Talking Therapy

Let me introduce to my walking companion. We walk each day come rain or shine. The reason I mentioned walking is because it brings us so much joy and freedom. It enables us to touch base with nature. Walking by a local river, surrounded by trees can bring great benefits. Needless to say I love …